Trees + Garland: How I put them up

Its the most wonderful time of the Year! Im excited to share with you step by step as I decorate for the holidays. Lets start with hanging my favorite faux greenery on the mantle. I love a really full greenery look, so I used 2 of the 6ft faux cedar garland to create this look. I then place these Command wire toggle hooks on top of my mantle, on each side, to hook my greenery and keep it in place (see photo example.)

Next up, to hang my stockings I use white Command hooks. I placed these hooks on top of the mantel so they are less noticeable when looking straight on. I went with all neutral stockings this year. I love both of these stockings, the bobble knit stocking and gold starburst stocking

In our loft I bought a 90” artificial spruce tree that is not pre lit so that I could add these star string lights to it.

I love putting my trees in baskets not only for the look, but I love that I can use the baskets year round. Sometimes the stand will fit down in the basket, but usually it won’t. For this tree I took the stand off and placed it in the extra large size basket I then stuffed a blanket tightly down inside to stabilize it. I have done this for years, the key to making it sturdy is stuff pillows or blankets tightly down in the basket around the “tree trunk” to keep it from tipping.

Our main tree in the livingroom is my favorite tree, I love this Faux grand fir tree , it has little dot twinkle lights on it, pretty branches and it is so easy to put together. I have this tree in tree collar that I got years ago from Crate and Barrel. HERE is another great option for half the price! With a tree collar, all I have to do is set the tree stand down into the collar. I then put the first tree section of the tree in, second section, third section and done. Plug it in and enjoy the beauty and magic of all those little lights!

I really hope this was helpful and answered your questions! I linked what I could below for you all. If you have a question or just a comment please leave it below. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t ever miss an update. I will be sharing more holiday things soon!

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