I Scream you Scream we all Scream for Ice Cream
August 1, 2018
I turned my daughters playhouse into an ice cream shop! Such a simple and fun summer activity to keep her and her neighborhood friends entertained. All I had to do was add a banner, write a menu on the chalkboard and bring her little table and chairs outside for them to sit and eat at.
I let the kids pick out their flavor of ice cream and I put all the cones in masons jars for less of a mess so when they dripped they just dripped down into the jar. (Huge mom win!)
I added cute straws in the rhubarb strawberry sodas that are from Trader Joe’s. (These are so good)
And the girls took turns ordering ice cream and sodas from each other. So many giggles!
Happy hearts and full bellies. Childhood memories were made today.
Many of you often ask me where Sydnies playhouse is from so here is the link PLAYHOUSE and I painted it white with weather resistant paint.
Her dress is from Taylor Joelle